Databricks vs Google Dataproc

October 20, 2021

Big Data has become an integral part of almost every organization, and with increasing data, comes the need for proficient Big Data tools. While there are several options to choose from, Databricks and Google Dataproc are two of the most popular cloud-based Big Data platforms, each with their unique set of features and benefits. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the similarities and differences between Databricks and Google Dataproc, along with their pros and cons.

Databricks vs Google Dataproc: An Overview

Databricks is a unified analytics platform that integrates Spark-based analytics, ML models, and data engineering capabilities to process Big Data. Databricks’ features include collaborative workspaces, scalable infrastructure, and support for several Big Data tools, including SQL, R, Python, GraphFrames, etc. Databricks also has excellent support for machine learning workflows, making it an ideal platform for data scientists.

Google Dataproc, on the other hand, is a managed Big Data service based on the open-source Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark projects. Dataproc provides a fully-managed Spark and Hadoop environment with preconfigured clusters for different use cases. Google Dataproc is highly scalable, and runs on Google Cloud, which means it’s highly secure and reliable.

Ease of Use

Databricks is known for its easy-to-use interface, which allows users to integrate several Big Data tools with ease. Users can write code in multiple languages, including R, Python, and SQL, directly in the Databricks workspace. Additionally, Databricks has a built-in Git repository that makes collaboration much more straightforward.

Google Dataproc, while a powerful service, requires users to have some familiarity with Apache Spark and Hadoop. Users new to Big Data may find the configuration process slightly overwhelming. However, once the user gets the hang of it, they can use pre-configured clusters to simplify the implementation process for most use cases.

Performance and Scalability

Both Databricks and Google Dataproc are highly scalable platforms that can process vast amounts of data. In terms of performance, Databricks consistently ranks among the top Big Data platforms available. However, users may notice slight latency issues when working with Databricks on larger data sets.

Google Dataproc also offers excellent performance in a variety of situations, and it can use the scalability of the underlying Google Cloud Infrastructure to process large data sets quickly.


Databricks and Google Dataproc follow different pricing models. Databricks has a consumption-based model that charges based on computation time and data storage. Users pay for the resources they use, so it’s ideal for smaller-scale projects.

Google Dataproc has a fixed pricing model, which depends on the type and size of the resources used. Dataproc is ideal for users with more extensive Big Data projects, where the fixed costs provide a better cost-benefit ratio.

Pros and Cons



  • Easy to use interface
  • High-performance Spark environment
  • Excellent support for machine learning workflows.


  • Can be slow on larger datasets
  • Can be more expensive for large scale projects

Google Dataproc


  • Fully-managed Spark and Hadoop environment
  • Highly scalable
  • Fixed pricing model for better cost control.


  • Steep learning curve for new users.
  • Limited scope of ML support.


Databricks and Google Dataproc are both powerful Big Data platforms. While each platform has its strengths and weaknesses, choosing the right one depends on the project’s requirements. Databricks is best suited for smaller-sized projects with a higher requirement for machine learning workflows. On the other hand, Google Dataproc is best suited for larger projects with a requirement for scalable resources and a fixed pricing model.

In summary, both Databricks and Google Dataproc are excellent platforms for processing Big Data. The choice between them comes down to the specific requirements, scale of the project, and user-friendliness. To determine the best fits, users should weigh the strengths and weaknesses of each platform carefully.



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